Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Puzzle Pieces

Everyone's life is like a puzzle.Some are big, some are small.Some have a lot of pieces and some have few.But regardless we have all these pieces that we have to figure out where they go.Some are so obvious that they don't fit, but others look like they would, and we try so hard to make them fit,but they won't. Have you ever had a piece of your puzzle that you desperately want to fit in an area of your life, but no matter how hard you try, it just won't. Sometimes you find a hole in your puzzle and you search and search to find that one piece.Sometimes you have to leave that hole empty and come back to it later(Even though you don't want to).Going on with the rest of the pieces, and then when you do find that piece that fits in that empty hole, you are overjoyed! You feel accomplished. Then as the puzzle is near completion you start to see the whole picture.You say to yourself "Duh, why didn't I see that before?" Once your puzzle is complete, your work on earth is done."It is finished" We will look back at our puzzle and hope that everything that we have done is glorifying to God. Only to find that at times we lost focus, we tried to take control, we thought we could do it on our own, but it didn't work. There were times where you became discouraged and lost faith.Where are you at in your puzzle? I know mine has many holes, yet to be filled, many pieces I wish would fit, but aren't. Sometimes it is so hard to let go and let God. I just need to be patient, and know that it the end it will be completed.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

life equals adventure

ok so I have been given the opportunity to take private dance lessons today. It should be fun...we will see how it goes! I'm very excited! People, take every chance you get to go out and experience this world.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Days 1 and 2

ok so the past two days have not been very esay. I said that I would not get onto Facebook, and I have not, but it has been extreamly tempting to say the least. I said that I would not drink any soda, and I havn't. It was so tempting today at my work, when the only thing to drink was a soda or water; normally I wouln't even think about it. It was definitely hard! I said that I wouldn't listen to any music, besides chirstian, and um...let me explain! haha ok so when I have been by myself I have obeyed this rule, but I was with one of my friends and of course I did not just listen to christian music. But I must say, the times that I have been only listening to this music, I have found myself stepping out of my car with the Lord on my mind. Isn't that what is always supposed to be on our minds?

Tomorrow I am to do some chores around the house that I don't normally do. I will be doing this Friday and Saturday, since I will not be home very long tomorrow to do much of anything.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Ok so to be completely honest, I have never participated in lent. This year it is time for a change! Tomorrow is the beginining of a fourty day adventure (to say the least), and it will be tough. You may ask me why? well it is because I need to truly have my focus be 100 percent on the Lord, for He deserves every ounce of me. The life that I live is to please Him, not me. I am to honor Him with all of me!

So this Sunday my pastor handed everyone a sheet of paper that contained a calander of things to do for the next fourty days (of course you were not obligated to participate). I have tweaked the calander to fit my personal life.Every day there is a different task that must be done. so every day for the next 40 days (if I am diligent) their should be a posting on this blog. I am also open to suggestions for some of the days, casue I don't have all of my days filled in yet.

I am also making a few adjustments that will last the entire time. They are as follows: I will drink NO soda! I will not be loging into facebook, and I will be listning to only christian music. I thought there were more, but cant think of anymore at the moment.

Tomorrow (Ash Wednesday) I will not text.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I LOVE to Cook!!

Stuck Inside!

ok so I have been trying to find things to do around the house, due to the crazy amounts of snow outside. So far I have burnt myself on a 400 degree oven while cooking my cousins supper. After that I enjoyed my hottub until my cousins and I were playin a game, and of course I lost as my punishment I was forced to jump in the snow, and get covered head to was cold to say the least. after that, I found myself painting, which is the picture you see. And after ordering two cookbooks online they finally came in!! I was so excited! and cant wait to cook out of them. This is just a brief overview of my past 4 days of being locked inside with nothing to do. Today I plan on venturing out and going to the gym...and possibably do some shopping!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Holding Back and Letting Go

How many of us have felt the Lord's nudge at our heart. We have truly wanted to do as he said, but a little thing called ourself got in the way. Whatever the excuse; pride, nerves, or just plain out scared. It has happened to all of us. God has been showing me so much. and I really want to do what he is asking, but I am scared, and to be honest I love to serve! but maybe I am just scared at how the outcome will look like, or how it will change me. I know that the Lord knows what is best for my life and that everything that happens is becasue the Lord ordained it. I have nothing to be scared about! becasue the Lord is right there to give me the strength I need. Now I just need to push myself out of the way! but how?

2010 Winter Storm

So this is the first time, since I was born, that I can remember having over 10in. at one time...this season so far we have acumulated over 36in. and it is just the begining!! I have loved every bit of being couped up!! because it has allowed me to do things that I love, and just relax! which for me is very rare. On this snowy day, I decided to make one of my favorite cookies, snickerdoodles!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Going to God

"'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.' so we say with confidence, ' The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?'" Hebrews 13:5b-6

"So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand...For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; for I will help you." Isaiah 41:10, 13


Have you ever loved someone so much, and so desperately wanted to see them grow in Christ? Have you ever wished that what you said impacted their life, to the point of them changing their ways? Have you ever felt like no matter what that person was not gonna change? Have you ever cried so hard, knowing that the path that they are on will lead to destruction? Have you ever told them to pray; only waiting to hear them say,"It dosn't help, I have tried it so many times."? Have you ever wished that you could turn back time, and try and do things differently? Have you ever looked at that person's life and wondered how it got to be like this? Have you ever wondered what you could do differently?

Those are the questions controling my mind. I continually tell myself that the Lord dosn't give me anything that I can't handle. Maybe it takes a person hitting rock bottom to see that they need the Lord. He is all sufficient!I need to continue to seek His face so that in the things that I say and do will be examples of how wonderful the Lord truly is in every way. I just wish he could see the light. I need to be patient and wait. but it hurts. a song that has been playing in my mind is "Come to Me" by Aaron Shust. The Lord can truly give us rest. In my humanity it is so hard to not try and do it on my own. I know that the Lord has a purpose and reason for everything he does, sometimes I just wish I already knew, so that I wouldnt have to wait, but then where is faith in that? I must wait. I must have faith.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Perfect Servant

"The God of all became the servant of all. If Christ, who was perfect, voluntarily humbled Himself before His creatures, how much more should we gladly humble ourselves before others?" ~Wayne Mack

Philippians 2: Christ made himself nothing. He made himself our servant. He was perfect in every way, and was surrounded by the perfections of Heaven, yet He left that magnificant place for this sinful world.The world where he would be ridiculed, hated, and beaten. How much He must love us!! I can not fathom!

Who have you became a servant to? who have you placed before yourself? What have you done for someone and asked for nothing in return? How many of you will read this and not do anything? How many of you look at yourself and see others as undeserving of your service? as if you are better than them. Search the pride in your hearts. I know I have quite a bit. In fact we all do. That is why we are in desprite need of the Lord's forgivness. Search your heart and confess your pride. Watch for ways to serve, and not only serve, but serving with joy, and happiness and as unto the Lord. May God bless your week ahead.