Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who Are You Serving?

" Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men."
Ephesians 6:7

Monday, January 11, 2010

Open Eyes

Funny thing...I had totally forgotten my last post Prayer...and what I had even written. Isn't that just amazing how God works!!

The Simplest of Things

Have you ever had the opportunity to help someone out, but you felt like you either didn't have the time, cause you were too busy, or that someone else would just do it. I know I have. So many times I live my life for myself and miss opportunitys to help others. And isn't that what we are called to do? well today God opened my eyes. I was leaving from a meeting at Cracker Barrel, where I work, when I saw one of my co-workers pushing another co-workers car. I didn't ask if they needed help, that was obvious. Now normally I would have just continued the walk to my car and assume someone else would help, plus it was freezing outside and I was wearin a light jacket. But I put my discomforts aside and helped. I helped push the car into a parking spot where we could take a closer look at the car. We came to figure out that she had just simply ran out of gas. So she had connections with the local firehouse and they were wiillin to come and give her gas. But God had another plan, just as she hung up the phone a guy pulled up and asked if we needed gas. He then pulled over and gave the car gas to get to a station. God continues to amaze me, every day.And I just praise Him for not letting me miss an opportunity to help someone in need. I am telling yall this so that you can look closely at every day...Don't miss an opportunity to step out of your daily routine to help someone in need. Even if it is the littlest, simplest thing, you will be amazed at how appreciative people are. But I also ask that you give all the glory to God, because it is only throught him that we can live each and every day.

Friday, January 1, 2010


ok so most people know that Jesus was a truly humble person, and that he sought the Lord in prayer for long periods of time. Here is a thought for you...If the Son of God spent numerous hours with the Father in prayer, just think about how much more we need to spend with Him. It saddens me to know that some days I even forget to acknowledge that he exists. and that just goes to show my pride, my neverending selfishness, and stupidity and me thinking that I can live a single day without my Savior. When I reflect back on those days, I realize all the opportunitys that I missed out to serve and help others and to further His kingdom. Please i beg you, dont get so wrapped up in your own little world that you only think about yourself.