Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Radio

So many times when I am riding in the car with my parents I will ask them to turn up the radio. They do and then I procede with louder please. They hate the radio. They want to hear silence. My dad says that it is his time to think...for me it is a time to sing at the top of my lungs and not care what the person sitting next to me at the stoplight thinks...but this week, (starting tomorrow) I will be turning the radio off!! and trust me it is gonna be hard, and I challange you to do the same. have a week of silence in your car. I want to spend that time of silence talking to God. For one week I want to be still and listen. So often I look back on the day asking when I talked to God, and way to often I have forgoten to even acknowledge him. I don't know what is to come of this, but I know that the Lord has something to say, and I need to listen instead of run my mouth with all of my concerns and questions. I need to stand in awe!! I need to give thanks!! and again I encourage you to do the same, see what the Lord wants to tell you.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I Have Nothing

Lately I have been reading this book called, Humility: The Forgotten Virtue by Wayne Mack. The Lord has been teaching me so much through it, and felt like sharing some of what has stuck with me the most, to you. First off God showed me to view each day as an opportunity, to forget yourself and serve others. It is much easier said than done, but I have been striving to do my best. Second was that we do not naturally seek after God. We are controlled so much by sin that it makes us prone to look towards ourselves and not to the Lord. and in 1 Peter 1:6-7 it tells us that our faith is only made stronger as it is exercised and tested. Sometimes it is so hard to say "yes" to God's will that with me saying "no" I miss the test and therefore miss an opportunity to serve the Lord.
He has also shown me that it is ONLY by God's grace that I can even do anything that pleases Him.We are totally dependant on God for everything, and we hardly acknowledge the fact that everything that we have was given to us. And something that I had never thought of before, is that it is our PRIVILAGE to live our life for the glory of God in everything that we do, because He alone is worthy!! I can not even begin to fathom just how truly amazing the Lord is. He has blessed my life in so many ways and most of the time I take it for granted. A verse that I feel all should read is Romans 3:9-20 it speaks of our hearts and how we are nothing without Him.
I ask that you would examine your heart for the presence of pride so that you can repent of it, and seek the Lords help. I also ask that you would pray for me that as the Lord tests me that I would have the strength to say "yes." Remember that everything good that we have comes from the hand of God! God is the source of all things (Rom. 11:36)